Welcome, 2 beautiful baby boys
Well after a brief move back up to High Risk and then back to Labor and Delivery, the boys arrived at 5:34 AM on February 15th, 2007. M had a pretty serious bleed and placental abruption early Thursday morning. She was losing what appeared to me a lot of blood. When they hooked up baby monitors, one had dropped to 80 and they began rushing her to the OR for an emergency C section. They made me wait in the hall and I called her mom and my parents and I waited.
At 5:34 Sumner Riley and Jackson Finley arrived to us at the 32 week 4 day mark. If you want the full details, see M’s blog. From my perspective, it was very scary. I heard the Sumner cry first so all I could do was wait until I heard Jack crying. It was the best sound in the world to be able to hear you child cry out. They brought Sumner out to me and he was doing ok, breathing on his own. Jack on the other hand needed CPAP and was getting a little help. They took us all down to the NICU, while M was being fixed up in the OR.
It was frustrating because I would ask the surgeons coming out about my kids or wife and they would say, “Your wife is doing great, don’t know anything about kids. We work on adults.” Then the NICU staff would come out and say, “Your kids are doing great, don’t know anything about your wife. We work on kids.”
Looking back and knowing everyone is doing great, I know I was not the doing the best. I was alone in a hall outside of the OR and felt the most helpless I have ever felt in my life. I couldn’t do anything to help my wife and comfort her. I couldn’t do anything to help my sons. It was cold and I was feeling alone. No one waits with you. No one acknowledges you when they rush past and they blocked the window so you can’t see anything.
But the boys are here and I did not think that it was possible to love my wife more than I already did. You can start to understand the amount of love your own parents have for you. I always saw dads at a baseball game catch a homerun ball or a foul ball and hand it to their kid. I now get it; I will never catch another home run ball. There is nothing I have that I wouldn’t hand over to my sons if they needed it.
At 5:34 Sumner Riley and Jackson Finley arrived to us at the 32 week 4 day mark. If you want the full details, see M’s blog. From my perspective, it was very scary. I heard the Sumner cry first so all I could do was wait until I heard Jack crying. It was the best sound in the world to be able to hear you child cry out. They brought Sumner out to me and he was doing ok, breathing on his own. Jack on the other hand needed CPAP and was getting a little help. They took us all down to the NICU, while M was being fixed up in the OR.
It was frustrating because I would ask the surgeons coming out about my kids or wife and they would say, “Your wife is doing great, don’t know anything about kids. We work on adults.” Then the NICU staff would come out and say, “Your kids are doing great, don’t know anything about your wife. We work on kids.”
Looking back and knowing everyone is doing great, I know I was not the doing the best. I was alone in a hall outside of the OR and felt the most helpless I have ever felt in my life. I couldn’t do anything to help my wife and comfort her. I couldn’t do anything to help my sons. It was cold and I was feeling alone. No one waits with you. No one acknowledges you when they rush past and they blocked the window so you can’t see anything.
But the boys are here and I did not think that it was possible to love my wife more than I already did. You can start to understand the amount of love your own parents have for you. I always saw dads at a baseball game catch a homerun ball or a foul ball and hand it to their kid. I now get it; I will never catch another home run ball. There is nothing I have that I wouldn’t hand over to my sons if they needed it.